Mancell Financial Group



Mancell Financial Group (MFG) was founded in February 1980. We have helped hundreds of individual and corporate clients across Tasmania and Australia with strategic planning, personal insurance, and investment advice. Proudly, we evolved ahead of the industry to be a leader in client centric advice and utilising an evidence-based investment philosophy.

Evidence removed guesswork from the investing process and based client portfolios on academic research. As part of this process, we formed the Asset Class Investors Group with several likeminded firms across Australia and New Zealand who would later help to form the current GAIA group.

In 2020 we celebrated 40 years in business, and today we care for over 500 clients.

MFG is a great place to work, we treat our clients with care and respect, and we see ourselves as a leader in our community through charitable efforts and the financial difference we’ve made to so many lives.

We are a proud member of GAIA; it is an honour to be a peer with the world’s best wealth managers. Being able to refine processes, share knowledge, and sit in the company of the world’s best advisers ensures our clients continue to benefit as all GAIA firms advance together.


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