At Bloomsbury we believe that there is more to wealth than money. We focus our attention on what matters to you, how we can work with you and help you achieve your goals. Our contribution to that lies in giving you the peace of mind to know that you can concentrate on enjoying your life leaving the financial planning, management and administration of your assets to us. Having the right resources when you need them is important, we work in the background to make that happen.
The firm was founded by individuals with backgrounds in financial planning, a multi-step process aimed at helping you to achieve your goals in the most effective way. We only work with clients for whom we believe that we can add more value than the cost of our fees and we only do so where we are co-ordinating their financial plan, whether or not we also manage assets on their behalf.
We work as a team so that you always have someone you know to contact, ensuring continuity when anyone is away. All our planners are qualified to at least Certified Financial Planner standard but even so all financial plans and advice are peer-reviewed before we allow them to be presented or issued. We also work with a network of other professionals to provide services which fall outside our own competencies.
Membership of GAIA is strictly limited to fee-based wealth advisors who are not aligned with financial institutions.
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